TT Bikes Are Not For “Casual Riders”. Sorry.
TT bikes aren’t just another bike; they’re the sharp edge of the sport, crafted for precision and speed. Sure, they look slick—who doesn’t love the aero bars and the promise of going faster? But you’ve got to ask yourself: Are you ready to commit to something that isn’t just a bike, but a different way…
Dynamo Hubs and Drag: What to Expect on Your Gravel Bike
Gravel biking. A gritty dance between dust, rock, and mud. It’s freedom, it’s challenge, it’s waking up at 5 a.m. just to ride through the mist while the world still sleeps. It’s everything. And then you add the dynamo hub. Now you’re thinking, “A dynamo hub on my gravel bike? Really? Will it slow me…
Shifter and Brake Cable Lifespan: When To Replace Them
You don’t think about them. You squeeze, you shift, and they obey. Until one day—snap. Now you’re coasting down a hill at 40 km/h with a useless brake lever and a prayer. Or worse, you’re grinding up a climb, trying to shift to the big ring, and—pop—your derailleur cable gives up on life. You do…
The Drops Aren’t the Problem, Your Back Is: Pedaling Through Pain and Life’s Ruts
The drops are the sweet spot where you get to feel all aerodynamic, pretending you’re chasing down the peloton. But instead, you’re hunched over, breathing like a vacuum cleaner, and your back feels like it’s about to snap like a twig in a hurricane. We’ve all been there—chasing that elusive comfort, thinking it’s all about…
Trying to Stay Warm Without Drowning in Sweat: The Windbreaker Dilemma (6 points to consider)
If there’s one thing cycling in the cold teaches you, it’s that layering is an art form. An art form you’re constantly screwing up. You’re either too cold, too hot, or too sweaty — all at the same time. One minute, your chest is snug as a bug in a rug, and the next, your…
Pedal Stomping vs. Pedaling Around the Clock: 6 Factors to Consider
You’ve been pedaling away for years, doing what you’ve always done—grinding through life, one flat pedal at a time. And then, out of nowhere, curiosity hits. You think, “Maybe I’ve been doing this all wrong.” So you try something new—pedaling around the clock. But that sudden change makes you feel like you’ve just discovered a…
Is It Normal to Experience Sit Bone Pain After 45+ Minutes of Riding Without Padded Shorts?
Here’s the deal. You hop on the bike, feel like the king of the road, then a few minutes in—bam!—the pain sets in. No, it’s not your ex texting you. It’s your sit bones screaming for mercy. Now, you’re not a masochist, you’re just trying to ride without those cushy padded shorts everyone’s always talking…
One Gear, No Mercy: The Brutal Logic of Fixies for Delivery Guys
You’ve seen them, those wild-eyed warriors of the urban jungle, riding through the hell of concrete and steel, dodging taxis, pedestrians, and potholes. They don’t care for gears. They don’t need them. They’re the fixie riders. And if you ever wondered why they keep their bikes so simple, stripped down, just one gear, no mercy—then…